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tv   The First 100 Days  FOX News  April 17, 2017 11:00pm-12:01am PDT

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it will be out over thanksgiving and i hope you like it. if you have something to say, call the number on your screen. 877-225-8587. that's all the time we have left this evening. thank you for b >> martha: tonight, nearly 1.5 million americans would have only 20 minutes to prepare for an attack from north korea. tonight, the hawaiian islands, which are within the strike zone are starting to revamp their emergency response plans that they have not even looked at since 1985. this, as the vice president signals a new era. >> it was one of -- a quarter century ago that we first learned of the presence of nuclear weapons on the korean peninsula. in the possession of north kore north korea. there was an agreed framework, a period of strategic patience. but the era of strategic patience and sober.
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>> martha: i am martha maccallum, this is day 88 of the first 100. in the trump presidency, you can save the world is looking very different, as action and dialogue with our adversaries has clearly ramped up. the trump white house responds to another muscle test from kim jong-un of north korea. tonight, we report another test looks like it is now being prepared, and this one may be nuclear. this show of bravado over the weekend raised questions about whether these missiles you will see in a second are real or are some of these perhaps decoys, as has happened in the past? the white house grapples with these extremely high stakes of what comes next. >> i think is a great opportunity for all of us, all of us who are under the threat, this unpredictable regime, to take action short of armed conflict, so we can avoid the worst. >> i don't want to telegraph to what i'm doing or thinking. i am not like other administrations where they say,
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we are going to do this in four weeks, it doesn't work that way. >> martha: in monmouth, we'll be joined by a general jack keane on america's options. first, adam can linger as a member of the foreign affairs committee. good to have you here, congressman, welcome. >> thank you. >> martha: is there any other way -- this is the most mysterious nation, perhaps, in the world, and they seem to be ramping for a fight. is there another way? >> i think if diplomacy is going to work, and that is our hope, the very worst-case scenario is north korea with nuclear weapons. the next a worst case, the uss to take preemptive action. the hope is, in the space, we can use diplomacy. diplomacy against an adversary only works with a credible threat of military backing it, and an incredible threat. if you cross this line which will allow you to take your
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currently existing nuclear arsenal and marry it a warhead that can strike our allies or the united states, we cannot, we will not let that happen. north korea right now is sitting in the exact position, we have done everything we can to prevent iran from being prayed >> martha: such a great point. we spend so much time over the last several years talking about and worrying about iran, which is clearly a huge threat. then, you have perhaps even more rational actor, who is sitting on the potential for these nuclear weapons. he seems to be in a posture that says, eliminating some of his enemies around the world may be the only way he gets to hang in there, right? >> we have to take him at his word. when kim jong-un says he will strike the united states, he will use nuclear weapons against the united states, we have to take him at his word. if we don't and he means it, we are going to find ourselves in a very bad situation. the broader point is i did not
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hear it, may be heated and i missed it, i never heard president obama talk about the north korean threat. all. all of a sudden, he is the meeting with president-elect trump in his office and tells him that north korea is the biggest issue. what we are seeing now is president trump, who is realizing that he has to defend this country, now taking action. you have some on the left that are throwing their hands up, saying, it's a warmonger. this is a precedent doing what is necessary to hopefully get to a solution that doesn't include a military strike in north korea. >> martha: a great point. that is the word that president trump has relayed, that president obama said this is your number one threat, north korea. you raise a great question. so, why didn't we hear more about it during the obama administration? here is president trump today. >> you read clinton's book, he said we made such a great peace deal and it was a joke. you look at different things over the years with president obama, everybody, they
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have all been outplayed by this gentleman. we'll see what happens. >> martha: this leader is in an untenable position. is it possible that the people of north korea, can he be toppled, if enough information in flow gets to the people of north korea? >> it's possible. we are seeing signs of instability. there are more defectors, their dvds are getting slept in, people are saying it, they understand more of the world out there. i got to tell you, the best thing we can do is hope that the chinese take this very seriously. i think that is what a lot of this is, compelling trying to make a difference. we cannot, president trump will not, i have confidence, accept a north korea with the ability to strike our allies or the united states. that only leaves one option if diplomacy doesn't work. let's pray tonight that diplomacy works. it can only work went back to the credible military threat. >> martha: thank you so much. good to see you, as always. for more on what we are hearing from the trump administration,
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chief white house correspondent john roberts joins us from the north lawn. good evening, john. >> get the evening to you. we heard it just a second ago. the interview with easily answered, successive administrations have tried to cut deals with north korea, they get a deal, to only see north korea cheat on it. it is like the child's book "give a mouse a cookie." this president is adopting a far different policy than his predecessors. the white house pointed to the recent actions that president trump took in both syria and afghanistan to say, this is how this president deals with the bad actors in the world. the president said today that he doesn't want to telegraphed what he is going to do about north korea, only that king drunk kim jong-un has to change his behavior. here's a brief statement from the president and sean spicer. >> >> drawing redlines hasn't
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really worked in the past. he holds his cards close to the best. i don't think you will see the president drawing redlines in the sand. i think the action he took in syria shows that when appropriate, this president will take decisive action. >> bret: the urgency of the thrt from north korea escalated after the weekend show of force, all those missile canisters going down the street. not possible to know if they were full or of some of them are empty, as a show of force, the pentagon is diverting the u.s.'s carl vincent and its strike group from a planned trip to australia, and of the sea of japan, where it will be stationed off of the korean peninsula. the vice president at the demilitarized zone is saying that the days of the obama era policy of strategic patience are over, though kim jong-un likely to test united states patients even further. the north korean leaders vowing they will hold the missile test every week. we'll see how the white house response to that. martha. >> martha: thank you. here with martinet, retired
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four-star general jack keane, chairman of the institute for the study of war and a fox news military analyst. good to have you heard tonight. >> glad to be here. >> martha: you heard the conversation, we saw the picthe voice of vice president pence. he is just the latest of several of our top officials, including military officials, to visit south korea. how is the structure around this issue developing and changing in the trump administration? >> they recognize that this is probably their most dangerous threat they are facing. what is different about this, north korea has had nuclear weapons for 20, 25 years. that is certainly not the issue. multiple administrations have never done anything about that. i don't think this administration will do. what's truly happening here is this irrational, unpredictable leader, as we accurately described him, is rushing towards a ballistic missile capability. you talk about strategic patience, he has strategic inpatients. that is what has got our
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attention. he wants to up and eyes those ballistic missiles that could range our u.s. bases and our allies, as he has advertised on more than one occasion, actually developed an intercontinental ballistic missile, which could range the united states itself. the fact is that he is developing this ballistic technology at a very accelerated pace. that it got our attention coupled with the rhetoric that he would actually use it. yes, this administration has faced its full square for what it really is. one of my problems with president obama, for eight years, he had a tendency to minimize the actual threat and exaggerate our performance against the threats in the world. i think they purposely minimize this north korean threat. >> martha: about 25, 26 million people in north korea. you look at these pro rata videos and we see the images of the people in the streets, praising their dear leader.
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all of this fabricated, in some cases, or maybe it is true, maybe everyone believes everything that is expressed on their face when they look at this leader. but jack, what can you tell us about these people? we have seen in the past that the power of the people can be very instrumental in turning a new leaf in these situations. is there any potential for that a north korea? >> very little potential. this is and intimidated population. the population doesn't eat food properly. their body makeup is different than the people in the south. they are shorter, they don't have as large a frame, they are not healthy. no, that is not going to happen. what we're doing now, with the trump administration has said, we all rely on china to do what they have never done before. almost 25 years. all of political economic, democratic options with china failed. i do believe that president trump did get president jinping on this issue.
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i know for a fact, president xi called after a follow-up to the mar-a-lago meetings that took place on the weekend, and indicated he is willing to work towards dean oakley rising north korea. he'll start with economic sanctions. this will take some time to play out. this is a move in the right direction. he is another option that he will never talk about. that is to assassinate kim jong il and create a military coup or some kind of coup, another leader who is more responsible. whether that is possible or not, given the dimensions of north korea and china, i can't see from this vantage point. for sure, publicly, he is going to move in a direction that none of his private wow predecessors have moved in. that is to begin to economically sanction north korea to get their attention. 85 to 90% of everything that happens in north korea, from an economic perspective, come through china. we have to applaud that effort. it will take some time.
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meanwhile, we know what north korea will be doing. they will probably blow up the nuclear test, they will keep missile developing and testing those muscles. thankfully, i do believe we are interdicting those missiles as we have just seen this weekend. about 50% of those muscles that they test have in fact failed. >> martha: maybe those tests are tests for us of swell, in terms of our ability to take them out. the reason they don't talk about assassination from the white house is because it's against u.s. international policy to do that. we'll see. general jack keane, thank you, sir. i was happy with us. >> it wouldn't be our assassination. it will be the chinese. >> martha: i understand. thank you very much. general, go to seo. we just showed you ainsley earhardt's video with president trump. you can catch it at 6:00 a.m. on "fox & friends" tomorrow morning. at the mean time, new details on what is now a nationwide manhunt for a suspect allegedly
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killing at random and streaming it online. we'll have all the breaking details for you this evening. an update on that case is straight ahead. plus, ugly protests across the country, some turning violent, all over the president's tax returns over the weekend, as we ask the questions, dude most americans actually care about the president's tax returns? we'll show you the brand-new numbers on that straight ahead. up next, under president trump, immigration arrests are on the rise. we'll show you the numbers and break down what is going on out there on the border and here at home, as well. judge napolitano joins us in a moment. >> what would you say to the american family that loses their jobs, their income, or their loved one, because america refused to uphold its laws and refused to uphold its laws and defend its bor various: (shouting) heigh! ho! ( ♪ ) it's off to work we go! woman: on the gulf coast, new exxonmobil projects are expected to create over 45,000 jobs.
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and each job created by the energy industry supports two others in the community. altogether, the industry supports over 9 million jobs nationwide. these are jobs that natural gas is helping make happen, all while reducing america's emissions. energy lives here. all while reducing america's emissions. hey. pass please. i'm here to fix the elevator. nothing's wrong with the elevator. right. but you want to fix it. right. so who sent you? new guy. what new guy? watson. my analysis of sensor and maintenance data indicates elevator 3 will malfunction in 2 days. there you go. you still need a pass.
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[student] i can just quit school and get a job. [ex student] daddy's here. [wife] hi
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[dad] hey buddy [son] hey dad [wife] i think we can do this. [chancellor] adam baily. [chancellor] adam baily.
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♪ >> martha: time now for 100 days update. last week, we look at the huge changes that we have seen in the justice department so far under jeff sessions. tonight, homeland security goes under the microscope. how are they doing so far in "the first 100 days" under president trump's leadership? the number of immigration arrests has spiked. dj's secretary john kelly says that the department now has tougher rules.
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>> it is fair to say that the definition of criminal has not changed, but where on the spectrum of criminality we operate has changed. >> can you give me an example of somewhere that wasn't deported before that you are departing now? >> someone with multiple duis. even a single dui depending on other aspects, would get you into the system. remember --dash just because this wouldn't have been the case under the obama administration? >> you have to remember, there is a system, illegal justice system in place. the law departs people. secretary kelly doesn't, i.c.e. doesn't come it's united states criminal justice system, justice system, the departs people. >> martha: here today get through this, adam housley and the west coast newsroom. >> the statistic start the day, they go through mid-march. they aren't as high as we saw under president obama were nearly 30,000 illegal immigrants were arrested but they are up. according to i.c.e. numbers,
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between january 20th and march 13th of this year. that is up about 5,000 from the scene. mike last year. i.c.e. is nearly three quarters of those arrests had criminal records. those taken into custody with no criminal records doubled from last year to more than 5,000. while those numbers are higher, take a look at president obama's first couple of months back in 2014. the number of criminal arrests was nearly 7500. those numbers went out during obama's last two years in office, as department of homeland security changed its policy to go under the so-called worst of the worst, or illegal immigrants charged or convicted of serious crimes like murder, assault, child abuse. secretary kelly, in the meantime, has reiterated that i.c.e. does not do sweeps of illegal immigrants and is keeping the focus on criminals. >> just because you are in the united states illegally doesn't get you targeted. it's gotta be something else. we are operating more or less at the other end of the spectrum, that is criminals, multiple
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convictions. >> the areas of the highest numbers were in dallas, houston, and atlantic are where they reported more than 2,000 arrests. as for deportation, they are down by a 1% but that process takes longer. immigrant advocates in california and others in sanctuary cities across the country continue to suggest that the increase in arrests is leading to a decrease in latinos reporting crimes, like sexual assault, for fear they could be targeted for deportation. there are no firm study so far that show that for you to martha our thanks to adam. joining us now, judge andrew napolitano. what do you make of that report? >> it shouldn't be knows really that the government is enforcing the law. it is newsworthy because this government is so profoundly different from the previous government by the previous government took every opportunity at code, whether out of a sense of compassion or a belief that immigrants help the economy or whatever is motivating president obama to look the other way in the face
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of illegal, who as you just heard john kelly, the secretary of homeland security say, either committed a crime here and went to jail or committed a crime and didn't yet go to jail. both of which can trigger automatic deportations. it is newsworthy when the government enforces the law and that is what is happening. >> martha: you are saying that presidents should not use what president obama called was prosecutorial do discretion. the president can't decide when they will or will not enforce the law, the law is the law and it has to be enforced by the president. >> the president took an oath faithfully to execute his job. james mattis james madison put d "faithfully" into the oath. we have given candidly, not just barack obama, presidents too much discretion. congress' job is to write the laws, their job is to enforce the law. they don't -- if they don't like enforcing it, they should get a new job. there's a whole swath of
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immigration laws that barack obama chose not to enforce. he made the mistake of reducing it to writing what he was not going to enforce. that writing was challenge. it was invalidated by the federal courts. he still did end enforce the law even after the federal courts told him he had to. >> martha: let me ask you big picture about the tone of what we are seeing. i find it interesting, watching chuck todd interview secretary kelly, who is very widely respected. he has been in the military, he lost his son in the iraq war. this is a person who is thoughtful and this is a person who said to chuck todd of this interview, these numbers are dramatically down in terms of people coming across the border, in part because the president has changed the tone. that's a very powerful thing that doesn't hurt anyone. >> that is probably the best thing that donald trump has done. it doesn't cost the government a nickel. he doesn't cost blood, sweat, or tears. it doesn't disrupt families.
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it just makes people from outside the united states to say, outside the united states to it is not the same there anymore, i am not going to go, i'm not going to try to get in. it saves us money when he changes the tone. i was very happy to hear secretary kelly remind chuck todd that it's not a crime to be here illegally, we are not necessarily after you if you are here illegally. we are after you if you are here illegally and you have committed a crime here. those are the people we want to depart. that is what donald trump promised for campaign. >> martha: he called it here illegally plus. just being here is not enough to get you in trouble. it has to be that plus. a dui, some people say that's horrible, that's too low a crime, what we have found is that people who have killed people with their cars have often had, the mac two, three, four duis before it happened. >> there was a time when you had to commit a felony before being deported. congress lowered it to a lower
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class of behavior. congress decided with the law is. general kelly is enforcing the law. >> martha: you do not like that. judge napolitano doesn't like anyone doing that. thank you, good to see you. also, it has been 30 years since we have really touched the tax code in this country, as you know, on tax day, you probably plowed through the pages of it yourself. now, it may take a little bit longer to get the promised release from the white house. what is going on with this? the treasury secretary is giving a hand. wall street may not be too happy in the long run. well talk to marc thiessen and mo elleithee. they will give us their thoughts on that. plus, anti-trump tax day rallies took major cities by storms this weekend. violence breaking out. where is all of those headed? that is the big question here in america. congressman pete hoekstra says they are grasping at straws. we are here to debate next. ♪
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>> the returns may not tell the whole story but they will shed light on what we need to
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♪ >> martha: new details
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tonight, after tens of thousands of tax day protesters, some turning to violence, marched on major cities across the country this weekend. they are calling on president trump to release his tax returns. the president took notice, treating this yesterday. "someone should look into who paid for the small organized rallies yesterday. the election is over!" organized, yes, but rallies at uc berkeley uc berkeley were a far from peaceful. protesters turning violent, turning over 200 beats and some areas to the scene. jonathan hunt has the latest. >> the clamor for president trump to release his full tax returns has only grown as this year's delayed tax deadline approaches. the method from the white house remains of the president won't release his tax returns while he is under audit and may be won't release them even after that, according to this exchange at the white house briefing room today.
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>> is a time to say once and for all of the president will never release his tax returns? >> we'll have to get back to you on that. >> it would be a thrill. will he? >> i will have to get back to you on that. he is still under audit, the statement still stands. >> over the weekend, thousands took to the cities across america demanding the president's tax returns be made public. the majority of the marchers and cities like washington and new york, they were peaceful. but in berkeley, california, it got ugly quickly, when pro and anti-trump protesters clashed. about 200 people in total were in a city park where the fights broke out. the violence on the anti-trump side seemed to be led by those dressed in the all black, semiofficial uniform of the left-wing black lock. it was -- protesters on both sides threw punches, amped cakes, and use makeshift weapon
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weapons. police in berkeley may 28 arrests as of earlier today and expect to make more as they review video. >> martha: we'll see if they cracked on. thank you. joining us now, retired congressman pete hoekstra who served as the the trump campais campaign advisor. there's two sides to both of those. the tax issue that they are protesting over and then, the nature of these protests. let's look at this, let's go to that first, if we can. let's pull up this quote from the national review, which points out the scariness of what is going on in some of these situations. he writes "police struggle to control the violence and often appeared completely absent, as brawls broke out across entire city blocks. we are now teetering on the edge of a truly terrifying incident. one trigger pull away from
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slaughter." as jonathan hunt pointed out, emily, most of these protests were peaceful. what we have seen the heat that exists on both sides, he rightly points out. does this concern you? >> people are passionate. that is the reason met over 200,000 people at in about 48 states were marching over the weekend to ask for a trump to release his tax returns. people have the right to know. they are passionate because people are okay if the president is rich. they know that. what they want to know is where his interests are. if you will take up tax reform, which he says he will, they want to know if he will benefit and whose interests he is working on behalf of. >> martha: there is passion and then beating people in the face. that's what we saw at berkeley. no one wants to take away anyone's right to peacefully protest but the fact is these people are breaking the law, they are assaulting people, and it's happening on both sides. if you allow this to continue, pete, you will be a nation that looks like something we have seen before, and it's not pretty.
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>> it's not very pretty at all. there is really no reason or excuse for violence from either side. the bottom line is, saying this is a protest about the presidents tax returns, no, this is much deeper than that. they are trying to fabricate an issue because right now, donald trump was on a roll. the economy is doing well, he is dealing with air masses on foreign policy that he is inherited from president obama. syria, libya, north korea, he is dealing with those. the only reason that health care is on the agenda is because obamacare is imploding. tax day protests -- this president is on a roll on they want to make sure they can do everything and anything they can to derail this president for moving forward successfully. >> martha: the north korea story that we just reported, you think about the coptic christian churches in egypt that are being bombed and i think to myself, i understand if people would like to see the tax returns. but there are serious things going on in the world that
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protesters cap could be attached during their passion too, emily. don't you think that it's odd this is what they are so worked up about? >> i think what they are worked up about his understanding where the presidents pressure points are. it's very clear that he does not have one doctrine that he follows. he acts on emotion. we should understand where his financial interests are tied into. i think that's important. it's the underpinning of our democracy. they said they won't release the logs of who is going in and out of the white house. that is the underpinning of democracy. we should be passionate about this. >> martha: why not turn it all over? put the logs out there, why not be as transparent as possible? >> the president has turned over all his financial documents that are required by law, if congress believes there is a need for people to turn on for more information, they can demand it. the president is under audit as he continues to point out, i have dealt with the irs and some of these agencies. if i were under investigation or
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under audit, i wouldn't provide any information beyond what was required because of how these agencies operate in those types of things. the key thing here, the major issues, as you pointed out, that we need to deal with. the threat from north korea, the situation in the middle east, the crisis in obamacare and health care. let's do tax reform. regardless of what this is, tax reform is going to be measured as to whether it is good for the american people, whether it is good for the economy. it doesn't matter whether it is good for donald trump or not. >> martha: thank you so much. good to see you both tonight. tomorrow, president trump heads to wisconsin. he is hitting the road again. one of the states he flipped from blue to red this past november. he would like to keep it that way. sean duffy, a congressman from there, will join us in just a moment. he is here with a preview. plus, all eyes on georgia's sixth district. this is a race to watch, as the
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polls get very tight in a district that newt gingrich allowed an tom price after him. also, marc thiessen, moa lethe, there they are. they will be here coming up next. the fbi is hunting tonight for this man, who allegedly killed randomly and put it up on facebook. the details of the nationwide ongoing manhunt that is happening right now, straight ahead. we'll tell you the latest when we come back. >> this individual is armed and dangerous and quite frankly, at this point, he could be a lot of places. he could be nearby, he could be far boost. it's about moving forward, not back. it's looking up, not down. it's being in motion. boost® high protein it's intelligent nutrition with 15 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. boost® the number one high protein complete nutritional drink.
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♪ >> martha: some news today on tax reform, as the president's attempt at the first tax overhaul in three decades may hit a bit of a speed bump. president trump's treasury secretary steve mnuchin is pumping the brakes on that idea a little bit, signaling that we will not see the changes by august, which at one point, and an interview with "the financial
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times," he suggested that timeline. although, at that point, many others believed it was impossible to pull that off. john roberts says that perhaps the white house was relieved and maybe there was some coordination to get that backed off on a little bit. joining me now, marc thiessen, speechwriter for president george w. bush, and boa lethe, founding executive director of georgetown's institute of politics and public service. both are fox news contributors. let me get your thoughts on this, first. tax return, when you talk to people, when you travel around the country over the course of the campaign and in the first 100 days, tax reform is one of people's number one things that they want to see, marc with. is this a problem? >> it's a problem. i'm not surprised they are backing up for the august date. they have a trifecta of problems, a lack of momentum, a lack of revenue, and a lack of momentum. politics is a sort of momentum.
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that was a big momentum killer when they feel depressed about my care repeal. at the same time, a lack of revenue. $100 trillion that should have been repealed that we don't get to use for tax reform. if you want to cut the rate, as paul ryan wants to do, you have to come up with the money. that is $100 trillion of the table. the board of adjustment, that is a way to get foreign trading partners to produce revenues that subsidizes the tax reform. it has no support in the senate. those two things, you don't have the revenue. lack of unity. the white house, the house, the senate, they are all on completely different pages as to what they want to do. if they can come together, you only need republican votes. of all three branches that have republicans in charge can't agree, you want to get anything. >> martha: this is making mo very unhappy. he doesn't like this picture at all, do you, mo? >> i love woodmark and i agree. i can't find anything to disagree on.
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back in december, donald trump, if you ask the american people, what they set up his ability to work with congress, 61% thought he could do it. today, that same question in the same poll is at 46%. we are seeing why. marc is right. republicans have total control of government. they can pass obamacare repeal, they can pass tax reform. but the presence president's io bring together the warring factions within his own party and cut a deal on obamacare is now putting the tax reform position in real jeopardy. you hear republicans on the hill saying tax reform is likely going to be harder to pass out of congress and obamacare. >> martha: they have to pass some of the stuff. i want to talk to you quickly and get a thought from each of you on the georgia race, which everybody is watching. tom price's seat, now head of hhs. it was newt gingrich's before that. it was tighter than a publican's wanted it to be in the last
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election. they are a bit worried about it, right, marc? >> absolutely. the democrats are desperate for a win. they think this is where they will pick it up. they have scored $8.3 million, million, into a single special congressional special election, 97% is from outside of the state. it is not georgians coming around to do this. despite all of that spending, this democrat is only a 45%. he is three points behind where hillary was. >> martha: if they can win, they will have the momentum we talked about? speaking of momentum, mo for you >> if democrats can pull thist'. tom price has won this district by double digits for years. donald trump will be one not by one point. we knew, but the momentum of the energy you are seeing in georgiy close election in kansas last week, there is something going on out there. democrats have to translate some of this momentum into a win.
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but there is some sort of grassroots energy out there right now that democrats are right to try to harness and all of these special elections. >> martha: thank you very much, you guys. good to see you tonight. still ahead, the shocking murder of an elderly man that was uploaded. the murder was uploaded to facebook. tonight, the man behind that killing is out there somewhere and he may have crossed state lines at this point. we'll bring you up to speed on mac. plus, president trump is going to hit the road again. he is heading to wisconsin based on the fears we discussed in the last segment, congressman sean duffy will be joining him out there.
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♪ >> martha: some can say that president trump is going back to a happy place. he is hitting the road, going to wisconsin. he enjoyed his time on the campaign trail and it paid off for him on election night. he will visit the manufacturer. what is the goal of this visit? teary array date -- to a rate -- to reiterate to buy american. >> america has lost 70,000 factories because the politicians that don't know what
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they are doing or they're controlled by the special interests. a trump administration will stop the job is from leaving america and we will stop the job is from leaving wisconsin. we'll work with their governor, who is a great, great governor. and we'll stop it. >> martha: he won in wisconsin, as was famously said many times, hillary clinton and then go to wisconsin and donald trump did and it worked for him. he flipped 23 wisconsin counties from democrat to republican. you are looking at them on the screen right now. he was the first win the badger state since ronald reagan back in 1984. here now, wisconsin congressman sean duffy, who will be with president trump. is he trying to shore up those counties in the face of come as we just discussed a little while ago, health care that didn't get through, tax reform that is delayed, does he have to shore up his base? >> this is a happy place for donald trump. for the first time in 32 years,
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he flipped it. it is coming back to not only to the wisconsin voters that i am fighting for you, i'm working for you, but i also want to listen to you. he is doing a tour of snap on, listen to the employees, as he looks at the work they do as a great american company. more broadly speaking, and wisconsin, 1 out of every six drops our manufacturing jobs. making sure we have good trade deals in place that will shore up the american workers is key. one of the things he will talk about, there has been foreshadowing, he will talk about the guest worker program and how could we can bring in guest workers who compete with american workers and drive down the wages. there are some spaces in the economy, and wisconsin, where we need guest workers, like i'm a farm industry. some higher skilled labor, we don't need those guest workers coming in. this is another thing that all that donald trump is given to the american worker, i got your back, and looking out for you. what is needed about this, usually, you have democrats
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and republicans who pander to the business or worker community. donald trump is working for both of them. he sees american business is doing well. they have more money in their coffers, they can pay their employees more. he is coming to listen, would also talk to them about his vision for taking american manufacturing. >> martha: you think about the fact that he had union leaders come to the white house and he did well, or a lot better with those groups then any republicans had for quite some time. but those voters are going to be hearing from democratic leadership over and over. they will say, he is not doing what he promised, you don't -- your wages haven't gone up. you don't have a job where you didn't -- you haven't gotten a job in the past 100 days. he has to fight against those messages and it will start happening pretty soon.
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>> the wisconsin unemployment rate is basically a point below the national average. people are going back to work. they do need better revenue coming in, they need a pay hike. but you'll see protests tomorrow at this rally, the resist movement. they also try that with scott walker. the democrats are going to rally against donald trump and his effort to help the american and wisconsin family out. they are tone-deaf on the stuff, martha. i look forward to coming back -- i come from a rural part of the state that was the highest flipped for donald trump. they like good people come and hear them out on their concerns, they know that they don't sit in that oval office isolated afraid >> martha: thank you very much. we'll see that. thanks for being here tonight. in the meantime, there is a manhunt we have been talking about since the weekend. a huge reward has been announced just a couple of hours ago for the suspect, who is on the loose. mike tobin will tell us the
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>> martha: active manhunt underway for this man sitting this video posted on facebook moments before he gunned out an elderly man and broadcasted on the internet. if mike tobin joins us from chicago. >> police say there is no doubt that steve stephens' arm. he should be considered dangerous. their ward is up to $50,000. this search area is the entire nation. it has been more than 24 hours and an end said that video was posted to facebook come appearing to steve stephens appear to kill a man in cold blood. he left in a white 2016 ford fusion. police are imploring him to turn himself in. >> steve, if you are out there listening, call someone, whether it is a friend or family member, or pastor. give them a call, they are waiting on you to call them. >> the victim, 74-year-old
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robert godwin, sr., was collecting cans. his family released these photos were a fox affiliate in cleveland, saying this is all they wanted him remembering, not those final terrifying and be well during moments before a stranger gunned him down. facebook issued a statement saying they need to do a better job reviewing violent and objectionable material. martha. >> martha: thank you very much. now, do something lighter, we will leave you with a quote of the night. earlier tonight, the much discussed 139th annual easter egg roll took place at the white house. always fun to watch the president next to the bunny, who apparently now needs glasses. the president's address to the children and it is fair to say that he did not speak down to them. >> we will be stronger and bigger and better as a nation than ever before. we are right on track. you see what is happening and we are right on track. >> martha: that's funny, right? thanks for watching, everybody. have a great tonight. i am martha maccallum.
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we will see you here tomorrow at 7:00. "the o'reilly factor" is up nex next. ♪ you you. ♪ >> good evening and welcomed due to a tucker carlson tonight for the questions this evening, we headed toward war. another intervention in the middle east, but a big war. what nuclear weapons on both sides and tens of millions of lives at stake. despite a failed missile test over the weekend, north korea is not cracking under international pressure. ambassador to united nations warns that quote normal playback nuclear war may break out at any minute. still strong words. both president trump and vice president pence spoke today about all of the saying leave administration plans to adopt new posture towards that country, one is more assertive and


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